Candidates choosing between several job offers often base their decision on multiple factors. Salary, benefits, and location are among the most obvious, but company culture also plays an important role. When you are trying to attract the best talent, it can tip the balance in your favor and serve as compensation if you are not able to offer the highest salary.
If you want to entice talented applicants, , you first need to have a thorough understanding of what your company culture is. Important factors include company goals and values, work environment (both literal and social), pace of work, and development or advancement opportunities.
Don’t lie about your company culture in order to attract candidates. You want employees who share your overall goals and attitudes. Scoring a big name or someone with an impressive resume by misrepresenting your business will leave you with an unhappy and potentially very expensive employee.
If you are interested in particular candidates or are in the midst of hiring, you can advertise your company culture directly to your prospective employees. However, there are several ways to give this knowledge to the public and potentially attract even more qualified and compatible candidates.
Here are few ways you can spread the word about your company and all that is has to offer:
Is the next big thing in candidate intelligence. Think of Yelp for candidates. As unemployment rates drop and wage competition rises having a powerful statement about your culture disseminated by real team members is key. Make sure your company is encouraging team members to leave honest feedback about their experience on Glassdoor.com. If you are worried about poor reviews then you should consider finding out why. The bottom line is the dissenters are always more likely to post on these sites and the happiest need a little nudging. For smaller organizations this is a great way to make a big impact on your recruiting efforts.
Your website
Use your website to highlight your company’s culture. You may want to have a page specifically covering the topic or simply include statements from leading individuals and employees. These should be related to your company’s mission or to the work environment you strive for. Appropriate images, including pictures of employees, can add a sense of sincerity and help convey your message.
Videos and social media
Once thought of as an essentially personal and somewhat frivolous platform,, social media is now used by every top company. Even users who don’t engage with you regularly will see your company name more often. Social media presents an opportunity to reach a greater audience and advertise your company culture in a way that may lead candidates to seek you out. Share photos or give employees a chance to participate, by posting their favorite things about working at your company.
Similarly, short videos can allow you to promote your company and its culture in a more visually engaging way. Videos could be strictly informative, feature interviews with employees, or showcase a company event.
Job postings
Take advantage of job postings and include some brief notes about your business, such as a mission statement. However, if you want to highlight company culture, ensure that you actually do so. Simply stating that you aim to be #1 in your industry won’t distinguish you from competitors. Instead, mention that your organization is team-oriented or a place to compete and stand out, if constant innovation is your focus or if you keep clients by staying loyal to your traditions.
Job fairs and other events
Job fairs and community events are a great chance to let potential hires learn about your company culture. It presents an opportunity to talk with potential candidates who want to submit their resumes without having to go through an interview. Those who attend on behalf of your company will be able to present image and answer questions, filtering out people who may be incompatible before the hiring process begins. Having non HR employees at these events can allow potential candidates ask everyday employees about the day in a life at some at your company.
If you use outside recruiters, give them the information they need to know to answer candidates’ basic questions about your company culture. They may also be able to identify better applicants if they are aware of your organization’s style and goals.
Advertising your company culture can increase the likelihood of a talented and desirable candidate choosing your business. It can also improve the chances that the type of employees you are looking for will come to you, allowing you better options when it comes to choosing your next hire.
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