Employers Must Run Motor Vehicle Reports

Employers should consider running motor vehicle reports (MVRs) on candidates for a few reasons:

1. Safety: Depending on the job responsibilities, certain types of commercial or personal driving may be required. Employers who hire drivers want to ensure that their employees have a good driving record and are not a risk to their customers or other road users.

2. Legal compliance: Running MVRs can help employers stay compliant with state and federal regulations, particularly if the job involves driving a commercial vehicle.

3. Liability protection: If an employee is involved in an accident while driving for work, the employer may be held liable. By requesting and reviewing MVRs during the hiring process, employers can mitigate their risk of liability by ensuring that the employee has a safe driving record.

4. Protecting company assets: If an employee will be driving a company vehicle or using their personal vehicle for work-related purposes, employers want to ensure that the vehicle will be in good hands. Reviewing a candidate’s MVR can help verify that they have a responsible driving history and are less likely to damage the company vehicle or cause accidents.

In summary, running MVRs on candidates can help employers identify any red flags or risks associated with their driving history and make informed hiring decisions to protect their business, customers, and assets.

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