Why Drug Screen Your Employees

So you’re wondering what the benefits are for an employer running a drug screening on a potential employee? Well, sit back and let me tell you.

First and foremost, drug screening can help create a safer workplace. For jobs that require alertness or the operation of heavy machinery, employees who are under the influence of drugs can put themselves and others at risk. By screening for drug use, employers can help ensure that their employees are in a clear state of mind while on the job.

Drug screening can also help with employee retention. Employees who use drugs are more likely to have instances of absenteeism, tardiness, and poor job performance, which can be detrimental to a business. By confirming that potential employees are drug-free, employers can potentially hire individuals who are more reliable and committed to their job.

Moreover, drug screening can help reduce healthcare costs for employers. Employees who use drugs are more likely to suffer from health problems, which can lead to an increase in healthcare costs for the employer. By hiring drug-free employees, employers can potentially lower their healthcare costs and thus, increase their profits.

Drug screening can also help employers maintain a professional and consistent workplace. Employers who screen their employees for drug use can demonstrate that they are serious about maintaining a drug-free workplace. This can help deter independent contractors and others from using drugs while on the job.

Finally, drug screening can help prevent drug-related crimes in the workplace. Employees who use drugs are more likely to steal or be involved in other illegal activities, which can lead to legal issues for the employer. By screening for drug use, employers can potentially prevent these criminal activities from occurring in their workplace.

So, there you have it – the benefits of drug screening for potential employees are numerous. A safer workplace, better employee retention, lower healthcare costs, a professional and consistent workplace, and the prevention of drug-related crimes are all excellent reasons for an employer to run a drug screening for potential employees.

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